Apr 18, 2021Liked by Arinze Obiezue

Love this article! I wanted to add, a good friend of mine emphasized how Polish mathematicians were a large reason to ending WW2, however, since Turing gets most of the credit, they were written out of the history textbooks. A lot of WW2 history was written by Western Europeans, leaving out the immense contributions the Polish had in inventing and contributing to technology that ended WW2.

I'd seen the movie before my friend had mentioned this to me, and it made me more conscious on the way I consume historical storytelling. Who's missing in the stories we read? Anyways, I thought about the amazing point you made - a small group of people who are courageous, ambitious, and determine can make revolutionary technology possible.

Btw, I think Benedict Cumberbatch is a fantastic actor!

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Arinze Obiezue

This was a good read! Can't wait to see the movie and share my thoughts

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